I obtained Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology in India, before moving to the Nottingham, UK to pursue my Master’s in biotechnology, specializing in Cancer immunology and microbial genomics. I obtained my doctoral degree in Medial University of Graz, which was followed by a postdoctoral fellowship investigating impact of skin microbiome on UV-induced immune suppression. I currently work as a postdoc in the International center for infectiology research (CIRI, INSERM) in Lyon, France as a postdoc at the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI, INSERM) in Lyon, France and as a part-time postdoc at Medical University of Graz during which I obtained several academic grants (Sanofi, FWF-ANR, Stadt Graz, WVSD). My current research revolves around elucidating the immuno-regulatory mechanisms of skin microbiome and antimicrobial peptides.
Twitter: @vickypatra19